Kenya Project
October 2021 to December 2024
The Kenyan economy is dependent on climate-sensitive sectors, such as rain-fed agriculture, water, energy, tourism, wildlife, and health, whose vulnerability is increased by climate change.
Kenya’s National Climate Change Framework Policy and Climate Change Act (2016) is their main response to climate change and includes a Climate Smart Agriculture Strategy (2017–2028).
Agriculture accounts for around 40% of total national emissions and action on these emissions requires improved emissions measurement. In 2019 Kenya compiled its first updated (Tier 2) GHG inventory for dairy cattle with New Zealand’s support.
With support from New Zealand and other development partners, Kenya compiled its first improved (Tier 2) GHG inventory for dairy cattle in 2020. The NZCSA initiative is expanding the inventory improvement to other livestock species including cattle, sheep, goats, and camels.
Completed inventory improvement for all ruminant livestock including cattle, sheep, goats, and camels; trained 22 people in inventory development and reporting; and established the new East Africa regional Measurement Hub at ILRI Nairobi. Remaining research activities are on track including mitigation options in Kenya, on-farm data collection and manure emissions management experiments.
For more information see our country report.
Project Information
Project Outputs (Technical)
Implementation Partners
In-country partners
The State Department for Livestock (SDL)
Climate Change Directorate, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources
Tegemeo Institute